Anna Victoria Fit Body Guide Review

Hi, I am Carly! I am a mother of two boys of 3 and 5 and I am also a single mother. I am glad that you are here to read my review for the Fit Body Guide.

  1. Fit Body Diet
  2. Anna Victoria Workout Guide
  3. Anna Victoria Fit Body Guide Review Answers
  4. Fit Body Guide

Life has been tumultuous for me as I am also a carer for my mother who came down with a stroke, a year back. Even my ex-husband chose to dump me for a lady who was way younger than me.

So without further ado, here is my full 12-week Fit Body Guides (FBG) review! My Honest THoughts on the Fit Body Guides (FBG) The Fit Body Guide is a 12-week workout plan designed by Anna Victoria that helps you lose fat and tone up. It costs $49.95 (you can buy it here and enter my code, honestlyfitness, for a 10% discount) and gives you access to a PDF of the guide which lets you access the guide from any of your devices. It’s a highly effective plan which helped me achieve my goal of. Aug 08, 2019 Probably one of the most unique feature of Anna Victoria’s Fit Body App is the custom macro-based meal plan. I haven’t heard of any other fitness app offer this, and it’s truly unique. You enter your height, age, weight, activity level and your goal (lose, maintain or gain), and the app automatically tells you how much you should eat.

In the haphazard life and tight schedules, I ended up gaining 28 pounds. The rapid weight gain left me even more upset and I wanted to get rid of it anyhow.


My Fit Body Guide Review

My main motive of writing a review for the Fit Body Guide is to provide other ladies with a stand. When I came across the guide, it didn’t have many reviews. A blog definitely existed to promote her guide. But I definitely wished to have a review. Because I was certainly fed up with the extra weight.

No one believed me if I said that I was actually quite a healthy girl. I never had to think about gaining the extra pounds before I had my kids.

The problem started with my first child Zoe and I did manage to lose the weight. But soon enough I got pregnant with Ally and the weight was back. The stroke of my mother and my ex-husbands dumping of me just left me in a saddened state.

My only real comfort was food when I was going to through the phase of severe depression. This unhealthy phase of my life lasted straight for about a year.
When I finally looked at myself I found myself to be extremely unhealthy and just plain sad. I was definitely spending all my time on everyone else. There was no me time that I could have enjoyed for the time being.

I knew I had to do something.

Fit Body Diet

I wanted to get back to my pre-baby body and I knew that the internet can help me. So, I started with typing into Google to get results for some workout plans or something similar. My key was the best way to lose the excess weight.

I soon got some interesting article about the success of Anna Victoria fit body guides and the success that she has on her ever-growing Instagram. The Fit Body Guide definitely caught my eyes as the program was just for 12 weeks and she claimed that the results would be super-fast.

Anna has a great body and everyone will swoon over it in the very first chance. I definitely wanted the same body.

Anna Victoria’s fbg was a big decision to buy as it was priced at a huge amount.
I thought that the huge price definitely includes everything that will be beneficial for myself and my body. Her perfect Instagram definitely indicated towards this thing.

But I was certainly wrong.

The Real Cost That You Should Pay For Anna Victoria’s Fit Body Guide

The Fit Body Guides can be quite expensive on their own. People who have searched for it before know that the price is quite expensive. On top of that hidden costs are also added to the mix.

Let us look at some of the things that you will need to pay for
Anna recommends us to get a bundle of her Fit Body Guide which includes the 12-week meal plan and also the 12-week workout plan.

The base cost of this bundle is about $79.95 which saves you about $20 from the individual pricing. But, as soon as you finish this plan you will need to jump on and buy the Fit Body Guide 2 which has the meal plans and workout for 13-24 weeks. The bundle will again cost you $79.95. This means you have to shell out about $159.90.

Definitely keep on reading.To perform the fbg workout you will need types of equipment such as dumbbells, skipping rope and yoga mat. This does require more money.
The cost that you pay is less than a 12-month gym membership but still, it is for some books in the ebook format.

They didn’t include any videos and not even a hardcopy of the book. So, why are they so much expensive?

The ebook style definitely disappointed me as I expected much more at the price that I had paid for the books.

I definitely wanted to know if the problem that I face was a mutual one of if the program has really helped others.

I was astonished to see that most people weren’t happy with the guide and they left it in an unfinished state.

Everything went to waste as the things that were included in the book were hard to follow for most people. They had meal plans that are quite expensive for any woman to follow in their day to day life. On top of that everything was quite boring.
I wasn’t happy that so many people wasted their money on just plain ebooks. You will get to download some plain and boring anna victoria fit body guide pdf.

Reviews from others who tested the Fit Body Guide

As I said, I didn’t find much about the Fit Body Guide when I first searched it on Google. I immediately ended up buying it.

But if I knew about the guide from other sources then I wouldn’t have bought it. That is one of the main reasons behind giving you these anna victoria fit body guide reviews.
Anna Victoria definitely has an impressive Instagram and there are tonnes of nice comments and overwhelming followers. But among them, some definitely stands out as true reviews for her guide.

A review that I got was that even after 2 full payments she didn’t receive her guide and Anna Victoria wasn’t definitely eager to help her out.

Yet another woman complained about the hardness and beginner friendliness of the meal plan. They had to dump it after 2 weeks because of the problems.
But most of the comments were about the wastefulness of the product and how it was just not worth it.

I have to say that my view about the anna victoria fit body guide pdf is just the same. I had no satisfaction out of the product.

She looks great and feels great but Anna Victoria pulled off a generic plan to include in the fit body guides.

The guides are quite overpriced and they do not really deserve to be on the market. Simpler and much more detailed guides are available in the market for cheaper rates.
A few days I even saw that you may get a fit body guide free download by typing in things like fit body guide pdf anna victoria.

But keep reading to see my recommendation.

The Alternative To Fit Body Guides That Worked For Me

Anna Victoria definitely leaves a disappointment in me. I was pretty sure that I would invest in something that will be of actual help to me.

I scrutinized several sites and such guides that claimed to give miraculous results. But after some meticulous search, I settled on something that I knew would work for me.
The great thing about this program is that it is cheaper than the anna victoria fit body guide pdf and you also get the types of equipment that you need for the workouts.
The name of the program is The Bikini Body Workouts and I have already lost weight after doing it for just 6 weeks. (I will provide the images below)
This program is brought by Jen Ferruggia and it is definitely an awesome deal.

As I said in the anna victoria fit review, in her plan you will get just the anna victoria fit body guide pdf which was the disheartening part to me. But in this plan, you get videos, ebooks, plans, shopping guides and much more things.

Here is a comparison for both of them.

Type Bikini Body Workouts Fit Body Guides

Level 1 $29.99 $49.95

Level 2 $19.99 $49.95

Nutrition Guide FREE $49.95

Total $49.98 $149.85

The Jen Ferruggia’s program is much more effective as it is light on your pockets and it would definitely give you the results that you need.

What Would You Get In The Bikini Body Workouts?

Here are the important things that actually you get when you subscribe to their workout program:

  • Several Bikini Body online instructional videos for the program are provided to you so that you have the right guides to take proper care of your body.
  • The workout guide is in an interactive form. This means that every step, rep, directions, and instructions are provided in the guide to let you have the best form and quick weight loss.
  • You also get a Nutrition guide of the Bikini Body Workout plan for free. This is great as the content of the book is not inferior.
  • You will also get success trackers with your pack so that you may have the proof and see the changes with your own eyes.
  • A comprehensive shopping list is also provided to guide you in buying the right things that you will need for your body.
  • A youthful secrets guides come in your guide for free. These contain healthy recipes of Jen that let’s appear more young and healthy.
  • A tonne of other things also come with the pack.

I really like the video format of the workouts. With the help of them, I can set it up on my iPad mini when I am at the park.

The instructions let me follow the workouts to the point and it also acts as a motivation for me.

The value is definitely greater than downloading the anna victoria pdf and then to ideal on it.

In this plan, you will definitely get the worth of your money and you will also get motivated to follow it.

The things that are said by Jen are healthy and there is no extra pressure on you. Through the guided workouts you will remain safe and there will be no injuries.

Week 6: The Results Of Following The Bikini Body Workout Plan

As I promised you above, here lay the actual results that I got from following the Bikini Body Workout plan that was conceived by Jen Ferruggia.

I really feel amazing as I can see the changes with my own eyes. In just 6 weeks I have lost 19 pounds and my body has toned up quite a bit.

I felt the changes in the body right from the first week as I became more energetic and healthy.
I could see that I was losing weight as this motivated me to continue my journey to defeat the excess weight in my body.

The results that I have seen in my body let me keep up with the program.
It isn’t a piece of cake in the first few days but everyone may definitely follow the program. Once you see the changes you will want to continue with it.

I get the compliment from every person out there for my transformation.
It also helped me save a lot more money and I wish I would have found it earlier.

I am again getting into the field of dating.

I definitely owe my thanks to Jen who helped me to have the body that I desired.

My review may not be foolproof but I can guarantee that if you opt for the Beach Body Workout you will never regret it.

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Much Love xx

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Week 3 of Anna Victoria’s Fit Body Guide.. COMPLETE!

Same crops as last weeks post OOOPPSSSSS, They’re one of my fav pairs though.. not hard to tell haha. Just for the record, I’m giving my 100% honest thoughts during the process of completing the 12 week guide.. random, good, bad, blah blah..
Soooo, I found the workouts for weeks 1-2 challenging. Definitely. Starting weeks 3-4 I definitely am finding them even more challenging. I’ve found that the workouts take a bit longer to complete this week vs weeks 1-2 but am not sure if that was just for me because I found this week harder than last (have also found myself feeling drained lately, but that’s unrelated to FBG), or if it’s typical for everyone else too. Not an extreme amount longer but a difference I wanted to note! Slightly higher weight used for the exercises requiring weights, as well as slightly higher reps are the real changes from weeks 1-2.

Anna Victoria Workout Guide

GUYYYYSSSS. I admitted in a previous post that I had been neglecting ab workouts prior to starting the guide because I haaaateeee them. Well, past tense I should say because I’m actually looking forward to the ab days the most now out of all of the workouts. One thing I’m starting to notice is feeling/seeing a bit more definition in my stomach already. Particularly when I flex.. seeing ANYTHING definition wise is huge to me haha. I can’t tell you how excited seeing these changes begin makes me. I have loose skin on my stomach (as can probably be expected after loosing over 90lbs!) but am noticing it at the top of my abs a bit more lately where I don’t have as much loose skin. I’ve never in my life had any definition of any kind in my abs so this excites me and can’t wait to see my results after the 12 weeks!! I feel an overall “leaner” feeling lately too.

Completely random.. BUT LEARN FROM MY MISTAKE: I didn’t wear shoes during one of the leg/glute days because my shoes were dirty (need to invest in another pair so I have an indoor and an outdoor set) and it was uncooomfortable. Hurt my toes a bit, will definitely be wearing shoes from now on haha.

Also want to add that I did purchase a jump rope for the guide but have just been using an imaginary jump rope while in my living room. Partially because of not wanting to take out my ceiling light in the living room, and also because I workout with my kids in the room when I do the guide at home on the days the gym doesn’t offer childcare.. Toddler running around = jumprope = surely wouldn’t end well.

Going into week 4.. Curious to see how much time I’m able to shave off of doing week 4 of the guide this week. Will average out how long the workouts take this week and let you guys know!

Anna Victoria Fit Body Guide Review Answers


Fit Body Guide

Loving having a plan that I can rely on to give me results.. takes out some of the guess work for me when it comes to exercising. Definitely a great workout guide that can be done from home.. or I suppose anywhere for that matter. Being able to keep up with exercising when I’m unable to get to the gym though is huuuugggeeee, and I’m definitely working out more often than I have in the past. Onward and out to week 4!